Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Tara Reid wants you to be her boyfriend. (Well, not YOU. But maybe "one of yous".)

The 29-year-old voiced her need for a man in her life on Monday's (Jan. 31) episode of "The Ellen Degeneres Show," report news sources. "I want a nice guy, a nice, funny, good sense of humor, cute, obviously, you know, just a good guy," says Reid, urging the single male viewers to send in a 60-second tape of themselves to "audition" for the role of boyfriend.

Reasons to date Tara Reid:

1) Her range. She's even playing a scientist now, thanks to dark-framed glasses.
2) Wardrobe malfunctions make life exciting.
3) Thanks to TR's propensity toward wearing extra-low rider jeans and extra-high cut tops, you and her nutritionist can instantly see whether or not she's eaten anything that day.
4) Connections to cast of the Big Lebowski.
5) When you go out on the town, you will always be referred to as "the smart one."

At least there's no need to worry that TR and I are looking for men in the same places. I mean, has she tried Friday night services on the Upper West Side?


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My Urban Kvetch: NOT ON REID'S LIST: "SMART"

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Tara Reid wants you to be her boyfriend. (Well, not YOU. But maybe "one of yous".)

The 29-year-old voiced her need for a man in her life on Monday's (Jan. 31) episode of "The Ellen Degeneres Show," report news sources. "I want a nice guy, a nice, funny, good sense of humor, cute, obviously, you know, just a good guy," says Reid, urging the single male viewers to send in a 60-second tape of themselves to "audition" for the role of boyfriend.

Reasons to date Tara Reid:

1) Her range. She's even playing a scientist now, thanks to dark-framed glasses.
2) Wardrobe malfunctions make life exciting.
3) Thanks to TR's propensity toward wearing extra-low rider jeans and extra-high cut tops, you and her nutritionist can instantly see whether or not she's eaten anything that day.
4) Connections to cast of the Big Lebowski.
5) When you go out on the town, you will always be referred to as "the smart one."

At least there's no need to worry that TR and I are looking for men in the same places. I mean, has she tried Friday night services on the Upper West Side?


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