Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I hate to say it, but I'm losing this competition.
Who knew the race for JIB greatness would create carnage the likes of which have been unseen since Middle Earth's Battle of Helm's Deep...
Sarah says that a vote for her is a vote for world peace.
DovBear, beginning to understand that he's not going to win (perhaps as punishment for inferring that I'm maritally involved with Satan), has conceded.
Jack (not my brother) has launched his master plan to sweep the 2014 JIB Awards. I say, good for him, but mostly because I hope that by 2014 I'll be too busy with my family and book tours to worry about where I rank with the blogosphere.
Although I'm still second in the Best Humor Blog race, it seems that no one can stand opposite Protein Wisdom, a monster blog I never heard of which apparently has some major pull with the blog-and-vote generation. Unless I get about 230 votes before Sunday, I'm not winning either.
(If I were a German movie, I'd be "Run Esther Run".)
Maybe I should have run a better campaign; hired Harvey Weinstein to promote the bejeezus out of my product. Too late now. I'm not conceding yet. Because I'm still hoping for a miracle.
As my Biblical namesake might have said, who knows if for this reason I have ascended to this place? I shall do what I need to do, and if I have lost, I have lost. If you haven't voted, and would like to, you can cast your votes here.

As a reminder, here are the categories in which I'm nominated:

Best New Blog 2004--My Urban Kvetch
Best Humor Blog--My Urban Kvetch
Best Personal Blog--My Urban Kvetch
Best Jewish Culture Blog--My Urban Kvetch or Jdaters Anonymous

Since Hilary Swank and Jamie Foxx don't seem to be nominated in this competition, I might just have a decent shot.

This finalist isn't demanding anyone's vote; there are many worthy nominees. However, should you wish to consider me in these categories, I would be most appreciative of the support. I would be especially grateful if you should see fit to vote for me as best humor blog--laughter is core to my being, and if I've made you laugh, it's the greatest reward I could ask for.

Voting is now open at IsraellyCool and runs through next Sunday. Each person is allowed to vote once. (Cheaters will have their votes removed like they did in the preliminary round, so don't do me any lyin' cheatin' favors by inflating the totals...)

Clicking here will take you to the voting page! And thanks to all of you for helping me get this far...



  1. this posted comment is for no other reason than to call your attention to my new site, a pro-Israel site which gives posts for the M.E., Israel, terrorism, Holocaust and many more items of general interest...I post no fewer than 8 items per day, 7 days per week.

  2. Esther sweetie...

    Alas, they have lumped us into the same category so sadly, we are pitted against one another. Good luck though...I love your blog! You're my hero!

  3. Once as in once, and not once a day like the previous round? Rats.

    Well, in that case, my votes in are. Good luck.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Laughter is core to your being? That line alone should disqualify you. Ick.

    Anyway, Protien Wisdom has your butt kicked.

  6. Anonymous, you don't have to like me. You don't have to vote for me. I'll just have to take comfort in the fact that I can spell Protein.

  7. Another cowardly visit from a nameless Anon. Nameless Anons who complain have no balls. Sorry to pollute your blog, E, but Fk him.

  8. Hi, my name is Hilary and I'm also not going to win. Oh well!

  9. Too bad I can't vote once for every name I('ve) use(d) online... That would definitely help things.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed things turn around in the next few days.

  10. I had never heard of two of the three blogs that kicked my butt in the BoB (Best of Blog) Awards but they definitely had the voters - it wasn't even close. Let me give you eight words to memorize: it is an honor just to be nominated. (Repeat over and over until you sound sincere.)

  11. wow, surprised at the results...cliche, but it *is* an honor just to be nominated...

  12. Thank you, everyone, for your comments and support! I really appreciate it! Or, as Peter Cetera might have said: you're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration. Or, as I might have amended the Cetera song: you're one of the meanings in my life. You're one of the inspirations.

  13. Oh no honey! Do not despair! All you need to do to win is maybe post some cute kitty pics. Seriously.

    Either way though, you totally rock.


  14. See, this is the backlash of being nominated. During the BoB awards, I noticed the moment the list of nominees went up, visitors of those blogs went on troll duty, filling their beloved blogger's competitors' blogs with snide comments. As if that's going to help. You CAN like other bloggers, you know.

    My point is that trolls--especially anonymous ones--should be forced to eat their own word vomit.

    Oh, yeah, and I voted for you Esther, in all four categories, because you really do have a great blog.


  15. I think next time my plan is to just lure Karl Rove away from his cushy White House job and be done with it. There's a lot to be said for his methods....even if I think he's the spawn of Satan himself. There are a lot worse ways to go I guess...sigh.

  16. dude, you know i had to split categories between you and ari. you are my hands-down choice for "jewish culture" and i'll have you know you're running second. especially when i'm done with all the computers around here... hehehe... xoxo cg
