Monday, February 14, 2005


“You’ve got your blog in my Israel trip!”

“No, you’ve got your Israel trip in my blog!”

“Wait a minute…it’s a blog that becomes an Israel trip! Mmm, this trip is Jewlicious!”

Not since chocolate met peanut butter has a pairing been so natural. Jewlicious—which is Algonquin for “Bloggers Who Win in Two Categories”—is now putting its Zionism where its feet are. In what is certainly the first instance of blog-morphing-into-Israel-trip that I’m aware of, Jewlicious and birthright Israel are partnering for a new approach to traveling the Holy Land.

The deal: birthright is for Jews ages 18-26 (why only till age 26? I think because it’s “bar mitzvah times two”) who have never been to Israel on a peer trip before. And the trip is free. Registration starts March 3.

If you are Jewish, in the target age range and have never been to Israel, I can’t think of a better way to recommend you see the Holy Land. Laya and CK, two of Jewlicious’s bloggers, are also experienced birthright madrikhim (counselors), and are certain to bring their irreverent edge to this program of intense Israel appreciation.

This trip is so going to rock. I can’t wait to see Jewlicious: The Trip—The Blog. (That is the blog of the Israel trip that's being led by the blog.) And then, the inevitable: Jewlicious: The Trip--The Blog: The Musical.


  1. Sounds like an awesome learning experience. One in which I could sorely use. Too bad I'm outta range.

  2. What's this? Poking other bloggers? Has my suffering taught you nothing?!

  3. DB, I only poke the ones I know. But this one was NOT poking. I'm sincerely hoping for a time machine so I can go back in time, not have been to Israel seven times, and be under the age of 26 so I could go on this tour...

    But I still think Jewlicious: The Tour: The Musical is an excellent idea.
