Tuesday, February 01, 2005


According to this report in the JTA, Triaminic has now been declared kosher:

Getting healthy with God
A cough syrup was declared kosher.
All eight varieties of Triaminic received the kosher stamp of approval from the Orthodox Union, The New York Times reported. The approval is believed to be the first time the Orthodox Union, the world largest’s largest kosher certifying agency, has certified an over-the-counter medicine as kosher.

For those of you who are not familiar with the way the Jewish/kosher certification community works, a few predictions of what happens from here:

1) The cost of Triaminic goes up.
2) By the certification of this particular brand of medication, other medications are post facto considered not only not certified but totally treyf (not kosher).
3) Children in families who have decided that medicines do not require rabbinical supervision will be teased in school (as in "David drinks treyf medicine, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah...")
4) Yeshiva day schools write letter to parents, telling them that school administrators prefer that you now buy only Triaminic, and asking them to not send treyf medications to school with their children.
5) Use of non-certified cough medicines leads to chaos, mass hysteria and, worst of all, dancing.


  1. Price increase??? Darnit, now I'm going to have to switch to Robitussin or something! (Does that mean I'm going to Hell?)

  2. "LOL" does not do justice to my reaction to this post! Masterful, really.

    -- Daniel

  3. "The approval is believed to be the first time the Orthodox Union... has certified an over-the-counter medicine as kosher."

    You mean I've been binging on NON-KOSHER Nyquil for the past 10 years?! Damn. Now Im never gonna get to party with Avraham Avinu when I die & go upstairs.
    - rina

  4. The only unkosher medicines I avoid are the gel tabs because they have gelatin and there's always a non-gel alternative.

  5. Yes, we're all going to hell for the crime of imbibing treyf medicine. Oh come on, like you didn't know that Nyquil was too good to be true...

  6. The Daily Show had a segment about kosher cough medicine. You can see it from comedycentral.com, if you click on "This week on God: Religious Sects" It's after a bit about Muslim sects, and a bit about the Catholic church.
